
Fire and Emergency Levy 2026-2029

Posted on 18/07/2024
18 July 2024. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit feedback on the Fire and Emergency Levy 2026-2029 consultation.

Universal Periodic Review

Posted on 18/07/2024
18 July 2024. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit feedback on the recommendations from New Zealand's fourth Universal Periodic Review

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

Posted on 18/07/2024
18 July 2024. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit feedback on Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

Commerce Commission 111 Contact Amended Code 2023

Posted on 21/03/2024
21 March 2024. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit on the draft Commerce Commission 111 Contact Amended Code 2023

Fair Outcomes for Consumers and Markets

Posted on 21/03/2024
21 March 2024. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit on the draft Fair Outcomes for Markets and Consumers

Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 dispute resolution scheme

Posted on 21/03/2024
21 March 2024. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit feedback on the Natural Hazards Insurance Act dispute resolution scheme

Code of Insured Persons' Rights

Posted on 7/12/2023
7 December 2023. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit on the Code of Insured Persons' Rights.

Review of the Retirement Villages Act 2003

Posted on 1/12/2023
1 December 2023. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit on the Review of the Retirement Villages Act 2003: options for change.

Emergency Management Bill

Posted on 7/11/2023
7 November 2023. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit on the Emergency Management Bill.

Residential Property Managers Bill

Posted on 26/10/2023
26 October 2023. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit on the Residential Property Managers Bill.

Long Term Insights Briefing - Our Housing and Urban Futures

Posted on 24/08/2023
24 August 2023. Age Concern New Zealand welcomed the opportunity to submit on the Long-Term Insights Briefing Consultation Document: The long-term implications of our ageing population for our housing and urban futures.

NZ Super and Retirement Amendment Bill

Posted on 19/04/2023
19 April 2023. Age Concern New Zealand would like to comment on the proposed Amendment to the New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income Act 2001

Charities Amendment Bill

Posted on 9/12/2022
09 Dec 2022. Age Concern New Zealand welcomes the opportunity to submit on the Charities Amendment Bill. Age Concern New Zealand and Member Organisations are registered charities working in neighbourhoods throughout Aotearoa to support older people.

Accessibility for New Zealanders

Posted on 7/11/2022
07 November 2022. Age Concern New Zealand welcomes the opportunity to submit on the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill.

Fair Pay Agreements Bill 2022

Posted on 19/05/2022
19 May 2022. We believe all workers deserve fair pay so that they can live with dignity and prepare adequately for later life.

He Ara Āwhina (Pathways to Support) Framework

Posted on 14/04/2022
14 Apr 2022. Older adults face a series of challenges that can affect their mental health and there is a need for improved mental health and addiction support services for older adults in Aotearoa.

Social Cohesion

Posted on 25/03/2022
25 Mar 2022. Age Concern New Zealand and our network of local Age Concerns have a strong interest in building social cohesion so that people of all ages live purposeful, safe, and connected lives.

Cash System Redesign

Posted on 7/03/2022
07 Mar 2022. Cash is becoming less accessible and Age Concern New Zealand strongly believes it needs to be available to all people, including older people and low income earners.

A Fair Chance for All - Breaking the Disadvantage Cycle

Posted on 27/08/2021
27 Aug 2021. Aotearoa is paying a high price socially and economically for the persistent disadvantage that too many New Zealanders are experiencing.

Discussion Document - Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development in Aotearoa

Posted on 4/08/2021
4 Aug 2021. We are pleased at the development of a policy statement on such a significant issue. New Zealand???s housing crisis is exacting a high toll on health and wellbeing in Aotearoa, including for older New Zealanders.

Physiotherapy Services in Aged Residential Care (ARC): A guide for ARC service providers

Posted on 22/07/2021
22 Jul 2021. Age Concern New Zealand believes the Physiotherapy Services in Aged Residential Care Draft Guidelines outline best practice for an effective physiotherapy service in Aged Residential Care.

Modernising the Charities Act 2005

Posted on 19/07/2021
19 Jul 2021. Age Concern New Zealand welcomes this targeted consultation on the Charities Act 2005. We value the opportunity to provide further input on specific aspects of the legislation following our earlier submission in May 2019.

National Strategy and Action Plans to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence

Posted on 30/06/2021
30 Jun 2021. Age Concern New Zealand supports the National Strategy and Action Plans to eliminate family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Abuse in Care Royal Commission Redress Submission Process

Posted on 16/06/2021
16 Jun 2021. Age Concern New Zealand supports survivors being able to see out-of-court redress for all types of abuse. From the work Age Concerns do with older people, it is apparent that any type of abuse can have damaging effects on their lives.

Incorporated Societies Bill (2021)

Posted on 27/05/2021
27 May 2021. Age Concern New Zealand and our network of local Age Concerns operate using a federation model of membership and have a strong interest in the wellbeing of incorporated societies and their ability to fulfill their stated purpose.

Budget Policy Statement 2021

Posted on 15/03/2021
15 Mar 2021. Age Concern New Zealand and Member Councils welcome the opportunity to comment on Budget Policy Statement 2021. Aotearoa, along with many other countries, is grappling with the impact of a global pandemic on our people and our economy.

Social Security (Financial Assistance for Caregivers) Amendment Bill: Letter of Support

Posted on 22/02/2021
22 Feb 2021. Age Concern New Zealand firmly supports the Social Security (Financial Assistance for Caregivers) Amendment Bill and supports the submission presented by Grandparents Raising Grandchildren.

District Court (Protection of Judgement Debtors with Disabilities) Amendment Bill

Posted on 29/01/2021
29 Jan 2021. We consider the proposed amendment bill addresses a gap in the legislation that unfairly impacts on people with disabilities who require mobility devices and other specialised equipment.

Guidelines on the right to a decent home in Aotearoa

Posted on 21/12/2020
21 Dec 2020. We welcome the Guideline and its emphasis on human rights, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, International human rights laws, the United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous peoples and the United Nations ???decency??? housing principles

Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Scheme

Posted on 9/12/2020
9 Dec 2020. Age Concern New Zealand is keen for all New Zealanders to benefit from a well-known, respected and effective disputes scheme that meets everyone???s needs, including people aged 65 and older.

He Ara ??whina Service-Level Monitoring Framework

Posted on 9/12/2020
9 Dec 2020. We believe that the Initial Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission is on the right track and we support the current advancements with the He Ara ??whina Service-Level Monitoring Framework.

Briefing to Incoming Ministers 2020

Posted on 24/11/2020
24 Nov 2020. This briefing paper outlines key issues Age Concern New Zealand wants to highlight to incoming ministers. It also tells you about Age Concern ??? who we are, what we do and how we can work in partnership with you.

Requirements for Urban Buses (RUB) Review 2020

Posted on 5/11/2020
5 Nov 2020. It is important to be aware that public transport is the only option for some people. This may be due to them not owning a car or not being able to drive. It can also be the result of a disability, an injury or cognitive impairment.

Death, Funerals, Burial and Cremation: A Review of the Burial and Cremation Act 1964

Posted on 30/10/2020
30 Oct 2020. Death, dying, and bereavement are inevitable experiences for us all. We lose loved ones, friends, neighbours and work colleagues. And we ourselves will die. Updated legislation is required to regulate the funeral industry.

He Ara Oranga wellbeing outcomes framework

Posted on 11/09/2020
11 Sep 2020. Older adults have tackled numerous and various challenges throughout their lifetime, one being the Covid-19 pandemic. The older generation is resilient and they have many life experiences that equip them to handle difficult times.

Covid-19 Kia Kaha, Kia M??ia, Kia Ora Aotearoa: Psychosocial and Mental Wellbeing Recovery Plan

Posted on 17/06/2020
17 Jun 2020. Age Concern actively supported New Zealanders aged 65 and over throughout the pandemic response. We will continue to be involved throughout the recovery phase and beyond.

Accessible Streets Regulatory Package

Posted on 22/05/2020
22 May 2020. Age Concern New Zealand supports government initiatives to improve the safety and accessibility of footpaths, shared pathways, cycle lanes, and public transport. The safety of pedestrians of all ages on footpaths is essential.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework

Posted on 22/05/2020
22 May 2020. Mental health and wellbeing are important for all of us. We all experience good and poorer mental wellbeing in our lives and we all respond to life challenges differently. Covid-19 for example has challenged us all in different ways.

New Zealand Public Health and Disability Amendment Bill

Posted on 2/04/2020
2 Apr 2020. The Repeal of Part 4A will respect and protect the rights of family members who are carers and family members with special care needs, a disability, long term chronic illnesses, mental health and addiction, and age care needs.

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill

Posted on 25/03/2020
25 Mar 2020. Within 18 years it is estimated that more than half of New Zealand's 65 and over population will be renters. Age Concern New Zealand supports government initiatives to improve the situation for renters.

Urban Development Bill

Posted on 14/02/2020
14 Feb 2020. Safe, warm, secure and affordable housing is a fundamental human right. Housing and the wider environment in which we live impacts on every aspect of our wellbeing ??? mental, physical, spiritual and social.

Sexual Violence Legislation Bill

Posted on 31/01/2020
31 Jan 2020. Age Concern New Zealand believes all sexual violence is unacceptable. It is a violation of human rights and results in physical, emotional and psychological harm. We support victims of sexual violence to be given a stronger voice.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Bill (2019)

Posted on 11/12/2019
11 Dec 2019. We welcome the opportunity to submit on the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Bill. New Zealand has persistently high suicide rates, as well as high levels of harm from alcohol, other drugs, gambling and family violence.

New Zealand Superannuation and Veteran???s Pension Legislation Amendment Bill

Posted on 29/11/2019
19 Nov 2019. Age Concern New Zealand and Member Councils support modernising and simplifying legislation to ensure NZ Superannuation and the Veteran???s Pension are fair, equitable, relieve poverty, simple to administer and receive, and are sustainab

Modernising the Charities Act 2005

Posted on 31/05/2019
31 May 2019. Age Concern New Zealand welcomes a review of the Charities Act 2005 and we value the opportunity to make a submission on Modernising the Charities Act 2005: Discussion document. We appreciate the commitment to community consultation.

Better Later Life Draft Strategy He Oranga Kaum??tua 2019 to 2034

Posted on 31/05/2019
31 May 2019. Age Concern New Zealand welcomes the release of Better Later Life ??? He Oranga Kaum??tua 2019 to 2034. This is a positive outcome of earlier consultation carried out in 2018, during which we also contributed.

Reform of the Residential Tenancies Act 1986

Posted on 19/10/2018
19 Oct 2018. Age Concern New Zealand commends recent government initiatives to improve the situation for renters. Introducing healthy homes standards for rental properties, the winter fuel subsidy, and banning letting fees are positive moves.

Positive Ageing Strategy

Posted on 24/08/2018
24 Aug 2018. Age Concern New Zealand agrees with Office for Seniors that a review of the 2001 Positive Ageing Strategy is required. Population ageing is now an emerging reality, with associated opportunities and challenges.

Treasury Proposal for a Living Standards Dashboard

Posted on 30/07/2018
30 Jul 2018. This submission is in response the invitation on the Treasury website to comment on the paper by Conal Smith: Treasury Living Standards Dashboard: Monitoring Intergenerational Wellbeing (June 2018).

Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addictions Oranga T??ngata Oranga Wh??nau

Posted on 5/06/2018
5 Jun 2018. Age Concern New Zealand believes that care for all people who require mental health and addiction support, regardless of their age / gender / culture / sexual orientation or (dis)abilities, is a necessity.

Family Violence, Sexual Violence and Violence within Whanau Workforce Capability Framework

Posted on 7/02/2017
7 Feb 2017. Age Concern New Zealand welcomes the opportunity to comment on Family Violence, Sexual Violence and Violence within Whanau Workforce Capability Framework.

Health of Older People Strategy

Posted on 5/09/2016
5 Sep 2016. Age Concern New Zealand supports the focus on maintaining the functional ability of older people, maximising their independence, and preventing and delaying disease and the onset of disability.